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Jasmine contains a subset of JADE®'s extensive set of citations. Jasmine™ is under active development. Additional decisions are continuously being added.

During the development stages, our coverage of online decisions is the following subset: from 1998 for the High Court of Australia, and the Court of Appeal of the Victorian Supreme Court (which is the year in which the HCA and VSCA MNCs were first used by those Courts), from 2002 for the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia (which is the year in which the MNC FCAFC was first used), from 2008 for the Queensland Court of Appeal, from 2011 for the New South Wales Court of Appeal and Court of Criminal Appeal, from 2017 for the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, and all of the decisions published with the following MNCs: TASFC, SASCA, SASCFC, NTCA, and ACTCA, being Full Court of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, the South Australian intermediate appellate courts (which changed from SASCFC to SASCA upon the creation of a separate court of Appeal), the Northern Territory, and the Australian Capital Territory.

You should always run a search in JADE for greater coverage.

Jasmine™ is available to JADE Professional subscribers.